
Songe Kvinsland

Within my works you can expect to see glassy, bloodshot eyes, gelatinous bodies, bold colors, fluid shapes, and provocative playful alien-like figures from another world. I like to experiment with unrealistic proportions and skin colors. Most of my artworks are meant to provoke the human imagination by telling a word-less fairytale. In some pieces I use muted, earthy colors, and in most others I like to use eye-catching, vibrant colors and patterns. I believe different color pallets provoke different feelings and emotions.

Some things you may notice first when looking at my pieces is the recurring bloodshot eye, and the direct gaze of some of the figures, establishing eye contact with the observer. People say the eyes are the windows to the soul, so applying this adage to my art gives my characters a deeper sense of personality. Adding color to the corners of the eyes adds a realistic element that is in contrast to the otherworldly bodies.

June 2021